Do you wash your hands properly?

With the arrival of autumn, the cold and flu season is also approaching. In this period, it is essential to remember and put into practice one of the simplest and most effective measures to prevent diseases: hand washing.

Read on to learn more.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Hands are a common vehicle for spreading germs and pathogens, including viruses responsible for colds and flu. When we touch contaminated surfaces or contact infected people and then touch our mouth, nose, or eyes, germs can enter the body and cause illness. Effective hand hygiene interrupts this process and prevents the spread of disease!

 Do you know how to wash your hands properly?

  1. Turn on the faucet and wet your hands with warm water. Warm water helps loosen dirt and germs.
  1. Apply enough soap to your hands to cover all surfaces.
  1. Rub your hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds. Cover all areas, including fingers, nails, and wrists.

    1. Rinse your hands under running water to remove soap and germs.

    1. Use a clean towel or paper towel to dry your hands. Avoid touching surfaces again with wet hands.

    And do you know when to wash them? 

    We must wash our hands in various situations to maintain good hygiene. Some critical times include:

    • Before eating or preparing food.

    • After using the restroom.

    • After coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose.

    • After touching public surfaces, such as railings or door handles.

    • After close contact with sick people.

    When hand washing with soap and water is impossible, alcohol-based hand sanitizer is an effective alternative. Make sure the sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol, and rub your hands until they are dry.

    Hand hygiene is a simple but powerful measure to protect your health and the health of others during the fall season and the threat of illnesses such as the flu. We also recommend strengthening your immune system by including a supplement such as Anamu or Immune Support in your routine.

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