Let’s commemorate International Women’s Day!

Did you know that SALUD is a company led by women? Today we want to share some info about the relevance of commemorating International Women’s Day.

Reading time: 4 minutes.

International Women’s Day is a globally recognized day to celebrate women’s economic, political, and social progress – it also draws attention to the steps that need to be taken to achieve gender equality! 

Commemorated annually on March 8, International Women’s Day gains more visibility each year as more and more women take time to reflect and unite to demand change to narrow the gender gap and reduce social and economic inequalities.

But how did the day begin?

The foundations of International Women’s Day were established in February 1909 in response to a strike by female garment workers in New York. Their demands were better wages, shorter working hours, better working conditions, and the right to vote.


Originally commemorated only in the United States, it didn’t take long for the idea to cross borders. However, it was not until 1975 that the UN made it a worldwide commemoration. The organization now adopts a theme each year as a way of drawing attention to a specific issue.

This year’s theme focuses on the digital world: “Innovation and technology for gender equality”. 

In some countries this day is celebrated, in others, as is the case of the United States and Latin America, this day is commemorated with debates, rallies, conferences, and protests. In the United States, March is also known as Women’s History Month, a period that highlights the achievements of women throughout history.

Let’s remember that beyond gifts or greetings, this day is an opportunity to empower women from all backgrounds and to fight for equal rights. 

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