Seasonal depression: you are not alone!
If when the holidays arrive you begin to suffer from anxiety and seasonal depression …. you are not alone! This phenomenon is much more common than many people realize.
Reading time: 5 minutes.
Ideally, the holiday season is a time of joy, family gatherings and delicious food. However, many people experience seasonal anxiety or depression because of a variety of stressors. Some of these include the feeling of loneliness that is accentuated during the holidays, the absence of loved ones and the social pressure to experience the holidays as we see them on social media, in magazines and on television.
That’s why today we bring you some naturopathic tips and solutions to fight the holiday blues.
1) Get some sunshine!
Did you know that in many cases seasonal depression is a direct consequence of the lack of natural light and sunshine? The lower the level of sunlight we are exposed to, the more depressed we become. Unfortunately, this beneficial light is scarce in autumn and winter. However, there are options such as light therapy, which involves the use of a light box that mimics natural light and can help you treat symptoms of anxiety and depression. If you are interested in this topic, you can learn more by clicking here.
2) Take a break from your routine … and from holiday activities.
There’s nothing like getting away from it all to clear your mind. If you can afford a weekend getaway, plan a trip with activities that are different from the usual. If you’re on a tight budget, don’t worry! A day in the countryside or park close to home will be a great change of scenery. To keep expenses to a minimum, you can prepare your favorite foods and take them with you for a picnic.
Also, it’s recommended that you don’t forget your morning yoga practice, exercise routine or favorite hobby. In this time of year when everything seems to revolve around the holiday spirit, giving your mind a break will be good for your mental health.
3) Don’t forget to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The holidays are often a time of overindulgence: overeating, alcohol consumption, sleepless nights, etc. These excesses are even more frequent if you are feeling depressed and can become somewhat of a refuge. However, while they make us feel better at the time, they make us feel even worse afterwards! On the contrary, sleeping well, eating a balanced diet and engaging in physical activity are positive habits for your mental health.
Remember that there are also many healthy herbs that can help calm your nervous system, such as lime tea, chamomile tea or our Moringa Relax Tea. With its cinnamon, cardamom and peppermint flavor and active ingredients such as nutritious moringa leaf, it will help you relax and promote restful sleep.
4) Avoid isolating yourself!
If you’re feeling depressed, your first instinct may be to turn down all invitations to parties and get-togethers. However, isolating yourself will backfire.
To avoid finding yourself alone and with nothing to do during the holiday season, take action: find ways to socialize with those you feel good with and find out about upcoming holiday events in your community – go to them to meet new people!
The holiday season can be a challenging time, but now you know some tools to fight depression and anxiety. If you feel you need external help, don’t hesitate to reach out to your primary care physician or a professional counselor!